With the increase in life expectancy on the rise, there is also an associated rise on mental illnesses. An example of such a disease is dementia, affecting the psychological and physical function. Combining both factors can lead to the person losing its autonomy and mobility. When such problems arise, it is very important to have the adequate furniture for these disabilities.
To extend its independency and comfort of the person, the furniture should be:
Have round edges;
Have bright and washable fabrics, with not shapes to not cause any confusion;
Have an armest and an option for a headrest;
Have a high back, to increase the comfort of the pacient;
Have electrical models to help mobility;
Have wheels, in cases of reduced mobility;
A great example of a model that has all of this is the Cartagena Deluxe – an extremely reliable product, stable, versatile that improves the making of daily tasks while seating down. You can even sleep on it since its back is reclinable.
“Furniture with the same colour to the floor or walls can damage the vision of the patient by its safety. Using bright colours on the furniture and upholstery will make things clearer” - Alzheimer’s Society, 2018